Click this, and then use the file browser to find your mod folder and select the mod you wish to install. The new window will have a button labelled ‘Add FOMod’. In Fallout Mod Manager, open the ‘Package Manager’ using the button to the right hand side of the window. zip files, so use something like WinRAR to extract the mod files into your new ‘Fallout New Vegas mods’ folder. It’s then useful to create a folder on your hard drive called ‘Fallout New Vegas mods’ or something similar. To set it up, first download and install the program. This installs and uninstalls mods for you with a lot more ease than doing it manually. You’re probably going to want lots of mods installed though, so it’s best to use the Fallout Mod Manager. It’s best to make a backup of your Data folder before you start modding in case you need to return Fallout: New Vegas to its original form. Windows will alert you that you’re overwriting files, so press ‘OK’ to accept the changes. If you have the Steam version, typically this will be:Ĭ:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\Common\Fallout New Vegas\Data All you need to do is place the new files you’ve downloaded into the ‘Data’ folder of your Fallout: New Vegas installation. ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion.esp=1Įdited by cronodevir, 26 September 2016 - 10:28 PM.Installing a single mod into Fallout: New Vegas is easy. Th1nkEyebot-WeightlessMiscModsFarHarbor.esp=1 LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp=1 LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp=1 I don't believe any of my mods add such an effect but here is my mod list anyways:īrighterSettlementLights_ExtraBrightv1.1.esp=1 I just wished I knew why and how to prevent it. Not actually a bad thing, would be a cool game mode. I am not sure this is a glitch, it feels more like an effect on me thats simply not written down anywhere. I think it has even happened when a companion kills an enemy (codsworth, piper.) None of my perks say anything about nuke detonations for enemies either.

It has happened with 10mm pistols, hunting rifles, laser rifles, and so on so weapon choice is irrelevant. I have no perks from the vanilla game that add an explody effect, nor do I have any weapons or gear that does.

So, proper nuke explosions are happening. I get rads, I see the exploding animations and sounds and the area is irradiated after the fact. It only happens like 50% of the time and they all explode as if they were legendary robots. I have had wild mongrel explode, as well as super mutants, raiders, bloatflies, etc.